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Im Rahmen unserer Programm- Woche zum Welttag der Kulturellen Vielfalt (mehr dazu hier) zeigen wir euch eine Dokumentation über das Arbeitsleben der Frauen und verschiedene Kultur/Handwerkstechniken aus Südportugal. Dieses Jahr feiert Portugal 50 Jahre Nelkenrevolution und damit 50 Jahre nach der Diktatur. In dem Film erzählen einige Frauen aus ihrem Leben, die beides erlebt haben, die Zeit davor und danach.

Filmsprache: Portugisisch, Untertitel: Englisch

Inspired by the book "As Mulheres do Meu País" by Maria Lamas, published between 1948 and 1950, this ethnographic work intends ton 'preserve' the living memories of Vila do Bispo's ageing population, focusing on women.

Despite being traditionally portrayed as housewives, they actually played an active role, participating in the agricultural and fishing activities that distinguish the Vila do Bispo’s (Algarve, Portugal) municipality's main economic activities. Collecting these stories is of pressing importance, since this is a group that, when it disappears, takes with it a whole collection of memories and intangible heritage that must be preserved.

A collaborative film by Patricia Leal and Vera Abreu and the result of an oral history project. 


Dauer: 33 Min


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