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Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

No Labels embodies a conceptual approach to networking with a primary focus on embracing individuality and personality, rather than conforming to the social and professional labels we have accumulated over the years. And if its not fun - it doesn’t count;)

Be ready for performances, welcome drinks, art, community of creators, aesthetic moments and DJ set.

The list of guests is intentionally limited for your better results and close interaction within community.


You, us and many creators visit same exhibitions, concept stores, even specialty coffee places in Düsseldorf - seaking for an aesthetic moment and inspiration. But usually miss the courage or a proper chance to speak up & connect.


- to give our guests a relationship-building opportunity: make friends based on mutual interests, not resumes

- to offer a space for social recognition and acknowledgement

- to bring people together not to compete, but to strengthen each other via potential collaborations

- to exchange life experiences/ expand horizons

- to make our guests belong to a strong community we aim to build together

- to have FUN


We, the hosts, will be your buddies throughout the evening, connecting you with each other. Exhale!


People around you are amazing. Get to know them.

As Woody Allen says, “80% of success is showing up” -

Be there.


32,11 €


Lynk&Co Club Düsseldorf Kasernenstraße 13 40213 Düsseldorf

Location | Showroom

LYNK & CO Clubhouse Kasernenstraße 13 40213 Düsseldorf

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