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160 Minuten | Komödie | Start: 14.05.2024 | England 2024

William Hanson und Jordan North präsentieren ihren erfolgreichen Comedy-Podcast, der live aus dem Londoner Palladium in die Kinos übertragen wird. William ist ein Experte für vornehme Umgangsformen und Jordan ein Experte für alles Gewöhnliche. In dieser brandneuen Show prallen ihre Welten aufeinander und helfen den Zuhörern, die Herausforderungen des modernen Lebens zu meistern.

Help I Sexted My Boss is hitting the big screen! LIVE

William Hanson and Jordan North present their hit comedy podcast, broadcast live into cinemas from the London Palladium. William's a posh etiquette expert and Jordan's an expert in all things common, and in this brand new show their worlds collide as they help listeners navigate the challenges of modern life. Sexted has entertained listeners around the world, amassing more than 50 million listens over six years of episodes. The podcast has also been watched millions of times online, with William and Jordan regular faces on Instagram and TikTok feeds. Join the boys for an evening full of laugh-out-loud stories and smile-raising moments. Expect the unexpected, as audiences everywhere get involved with the on-stage action and share their outrageous problems and dilemmas!



ASTOR Film Lounge im ARRI Türkenstraße 91 80799 München

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